Monday, July 18, 2011

Need help with dogs diet...?

My dog has a very bad allergy to rice and gets ear infections if she eats it. For years now she has been on California Naturals grain free chicken meal. She looks great and feels great on it. It has a protein of 34% and 12% fat. She is very active so the higher protein is useful. She is a senior and has some thyroid problems so she has to maintain lower fat as well. I rent a room in a house and have to use a mini-fridge so I can't really store raw. I give her raw a few times a week but I have to feed it to her within a few days or it goes bad. My question is this. The vet seems to think the food she is on is great for her condition and that I shouldn't switch it until I move to a place with more storage for a freezer so I can feed raw. I'm worried about Proctor and Gamble making this food now though. When I mentioned this to my vet he explained that, in his opinion, feeding any food (kibble, raw, canned) had inherent risks and that with the way corporations control almost everything we consume it's about choosing the lesser of two evils. He feeds his dog raw organic prey model but he told me he wasn't sure he trusted that anymore either. He spoke of a journal article about how loose the USDA is in labeling "organic" products. "Tyson, the biggest manufacturer of chicken in the USA sells organic chicken now", he said. He then asked, "do you really think a company that treats live chickens as poorly as they do really works hard to give you organic meat"? He's a holistic vet and we have used him for 20 years so I trust him a bunch. I guess I'm wondering if it even matters what brand I'm feeding anymore as long as I stay with LID and lower fat. Do you guys think I should switch? Anybody know of any foods with LID and 30% or more protein?

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