Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What food should I use for my five month old Wheaten Terrier (estimated adult size 45lbs, currently 32lbs)?

When we got her she was eating Nutro Ultra Holistic Puppy. Her stools were wonderful as was her breath. She never had stinky gas and had tons of energy. However, she was itchy and no amount of Benadryl really helped. When I realized that she was dealing with a food allergy I did a bland, elimination diet and found that she is very allergic to rice. I then slowly introduced her to Orijen Puppy but her gas and diarrhea are horrible. On her vet's advice, I did ground turkey with oatmeal and that was great on her tummy but as I reintroduce Orijen her stools get looser and the gas gets worse! Finally she did a stool sample and that came back clean so her vet said that Orijen is just too complex for her. Any ideas on a simple, rice free puppy food?

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