Friday, July 15, 2011

Can I get my bachelor's degree (and maybe PhD.) in holistic medicine?

Ok so I've always been into natural medicine and I've seen it help lots of people including myself. (I'm only 16 and I've had some serious medical problems). I am already duel enrolled in a health career program in which I can job-shaddow different careers and also attend college. Anyway, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do after high school. But I went to the health food store (like I usually do) and it just dawned upon me that maybe I could get a degree in holistic medicine. But I really don't know if that's possible. If anyone has any idea on how I can pursue this or if there are certain classes I may want to take that would be helpful. And after a bachelor's degree I'd like to go to med school. What degree should I shoot for?

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