Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Please help me, my daughter is out of control!?

Please, please, please, somebody help me! My daughter, Kelly, is so out of control! She gets into fights in school, she curses, she sneaks out at night, she hits me, she does drugs, she goes out and has sex, i even found nude pics in her cell phone, i think she's sending them to other guys, please help me! she's only 13 and i'm really concerned. she calls me a *****, she tells me i'm the worst mother, she never tells me she loves me, she has sex with grown men, she goes out every night and sits on the street to wait for a guy to pick her up and go have sex, if i yell at her or try to tell her what to do, she hits me and slaps me in the face, please please please help me! i'm only trying to protect her, she even tried to run away once but i called the police and we used her cell phone number to track her, she was in a dangerous place! her friends are grown woman, most of them are between the ages 15-17. she parties every weekend, and she NEVER does chores like i ask her to do, she always tells me if i make her do anything, she'll kill me. she told me that once but never said it again. i really need help. i've tried everything, i tried to put locks on the door, i tried taking her cell phone, everything. nothing seems to work. she hits me and slaps me all the time! please tell me what i can do!

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