Monday, July 11, 2011

Catching a stray/feral cat?

In my friends neighborhood, there are literally hundred of cats. She lives in a townhouse area, and the cats love to go into the crawl spaces, they live there. The cats will bathe in the sun on peoples porches during the day, and they are always really scared when approached. Except one cat, which is really more of a kitten, that just kinda walks away, he/she doesn't sprint away like the others. This cat, which I have personally named Henry, is skinny. What's odd about it is that the cats will sit on one persons porch, then when they get scared, they run around the edge of the building (the house that they lay on is the second to last house in the row of townhouses, so it isn't far) and into one of the back porch type areas. Every home has one, they are about jail cell sized and fenced in. The cats will run into the last house's (the last house in the row of houses, the neighbor to the house that the cats sit on) back porch type thing. If you look in the house that they ran to's back porch, you see a wide open crawl space. Anyway, they live there. There is about 3-4 cats that I have seen that live there. One, is, of course, Henry. He seems really nice, and you can tell that he most likely is a stray and not just a feral cat. For the last two days I've been chilling on the other side of the fence, waiting for a chance to catch him. Today I brought him some food, and stuck it threw the gate. The gate is locked, I have tried to open it...It doesn't budge. He'll just sit there and intently listen to my voice as I talk to him. Though he is still a little skeptical of me, you can tell, he is still better with me than I would imagine with anyone else. I want to catch him, for the fact that he in so skinny, and that he deserves a better life than to live in the wild. I read somewhere that wild cats only live for a maximum of 4 years. He will sit on the other side of the gate, in arms reach, you know, if the fence wasn't there. Today I nearly got him to eat out of my hand, before I just gave up and gave him the food threw the gate. I know that once my family, or Megans family, (my friend that lives in the townhouses) sees the cat, they'll immediately decide to keep it. They would never have the heart to just tell us to send it back to the wild. I understand that the cat could be dangerous, and I don't care. I'm positive that when we get the money, and I'm talking about if we were to keep the cat, we'll take him/her to the vet and try to get it's vaccines and get the kitty all set up. So my question really is how should I go about catching it without it hating or being frightened of me forever. I know that some of you might think that it is a bad idea, but I know what "animal control" does when it gets strays. I will simply not stand for it. I'm not calling, no matter what the situation turns out to be. Well, thanks.

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