Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Has anyone ever come to you and claimed to have spoken with a deceased loved one?

This happened to my daughter recently, when someone she had met once or twice claimed to have been in contact with her deceased sister. Although some of the details fit, they were also rather general, except for one thing which was remarkably accurate and really had nothing to do with her sister but did have to do with me. I am highly skeptical of such claims, if not completely disbelieving, but wonder how others in this situation have reacted.

If info was given out in your deceased son murder case that was not supposed to be given out what can I do?

My son was killed , and records of witness statement was given to a non family member and was pass around then I seen them and was informed that a police friend of someone got them for him to read, isn't this against the law, will it hurt my son trial, will his killer go free if this wa ever made known to his attorney, please help me

I am a 30 year old male. Is a Testosterone Level of 181 low? Should I get treatment?

My reading is 181 (1.81) and .44 free. Doctor is willing to give me monthly testosterone shots. My symptoms concur with people who have low T - fatigue, weak erection and libido, moody, hot easy, not sleeping well. I do, however, weight 270 at 6' 1", and I know that obesity can contribute. The doctor said that 181 for me is "substantially low" and didn't hesitate to give me treatment, but should I pursue a more "holistic" approach (i.e. certain dieting, exercise, etc.) or is that a waste of time? Thanks!

Is it really dangerous to refill the same bottle of water?

I don't drink nearly enough water and I was thinking of buying one of those smart water bottles that are about a liter full, and just refilling it twice a day so I know I'm drinking enough. Is there any danger in doing that?

Can a street sign named after a famous person be turned into a postcard for sale?

I took a photo of a street sign named after a famous person. Can I sell it as a postcard? Or do I need the estate permission (the person is deceased)? The photo is just the sign with the person's name. No photo of the person or his likeness will be featured on the postcard.

Why do atheists want to believe that death is the end?

I don't get it, don't you guys want to hope that you will be reunited with your deceased loved ones, again? Why give up all hope for a happy ending to this story? After all, hope is all we really have. :(

It sucks what do id o i;m a good looking broad shouldered guy at 24 buti;m asexual.,?

I'm not gay just don;t want to attach to some chick and get married.Have you seen stalker chicks when they fall in love.DANGEROUS>

Why is alcohol legal but shrooms not?

I did some research and found that shrooms are non-toxic and have no after effects other than the hallucinations. I also found out getting high on shrooms isn't as dangerous to you and your surroundings as getting drunk on alcohol is. Any reasons why the Government doesn't allow shrooms?

Travel to Ensenada via Tijuana and ABC bus?

Hello there, I have been going regularly to Tijuana via San Isidro & Otay Mesa to visit my wife and recently with my wife to visit her relatives scattered all over town, not just were the tourists/visitors go in Zona Centro and Zona Norte. I have recently been in Rosarito also in September-October 2009. I have even sent/paid for my wife to go from Tijuana to Cuidad Juarez using El Chihuahuense busline. The stories you hear are exaggerated in the newspapers, television and the internet to get your attention like a little child does to get some attention. It should be safe to walk from your hotel to downtown Ensenada in the daytime. Is the Micro the same as the Calafia in Tijuana? I even know how to use these to go to Fraccionamiento Santa Fe, Buenos Aires Sur, Anabelle, El Laurel, Refugio de la Loma, Zona Centro, Zona Norte and other colonias; plus they only cost 8 to 10 pesos. Have a nice summer vacation.

Why are the REMAINING goldfish in My family aquarium bleeding though their scales?

Sorry, by now all are infected. It started when one of the fish was sick and it was contagious. You pour the liquid medicine to slow, improve , etc the tank after a through cleanup. However, it will take a very long time for the fish to be its former self again. So my suggestion, give them away to a school, etc. and you start all over again.

Can a non-US citizen, retired wife, use her husband's SSN for medicare or medicaid insurance during USA visits?

My mother is a non-US citizen, but was married to a US citizen who is now deceased. She is retired, lives abroad and receives a pension from the US government under his SSN. Is she eligible to receive some sort of medical health coverage (such as medicare or medicaid) during visits to the USA?

Can I take my dog swimming while having cancer?

My 14 year old Pit Bull just got diagnosed with cancer 2 days ago. I'm not going to put her through chemo/radiation, but I am going the holistic route. My question, for now, is, can I still take her swimming at the dog beach? She absolutely loves to swim, and since she has arthritis, it's great on her joints. But I don't want to put her in harm if it's now going to be too much for her. Any help will be appreciated.

Please please some one proof read this, check grammer and stuff 10 points straight please?

Piaget (1954) agrees children are need of psychologically treatment to improve behaviour. Psychological initiative was widely approved of all through the 20th century where many psychologists were attempted to study a holistic development of a child. This was done through the child emotional and mental capability of his/her pas experience, adjustments in life and judgements are recognised practically from birth. Studies have shown that a child cognitive and intellectual thinking process is developed in stages. In these stages it can determine the build up of his logical thinking, past remembering and new perceptive and idea introduced to them.

Looking for a short and snappy mission statement for mobile beauty and holistic therapy business?

I'm trying to think of a short and catchy mission statement for my mobile beauty and holistic therapy business. Some statements I have come across are "make the best of you" and "feel amazing" but these are already taken by other businesses in the locality. PLEASE HELP!! will Pick best answer

Tension headache or.....something else? HELP PLEASE. :'(?

If u had a headache or tension you must do one thing. I think you listening about yoga, it is the one king of Traditional exercise of body and mind so you can go to do yoga it's make you strong and release from your tension and headache and also you get the lots of willpower.

Very rare hearing/neuron condition sometimes affecting numeracy. Help/info,please?

Neuron/audio condition, affected by specific pitches.So rare neurology in U.K no resources. when frquenltly v distressed/ill from sounds, my ability to handlemultiple numerate normal functioning blanks.i.e., date = time = cost is just a jumble. A kind of stress-dyslexia that doesnt occur when neuronns not stressed. My linguistic ability unimpaired. It is isolating me as private (guY BERARD) treatment unvailable in u.k. Does anyone know anything helpful re this. I have M.E. and this is partly due to neurons. Or does anyone have contact with Oliver Sacks, who may have treated/discovered strategies for preventing further deterioration or turning this to whatever are the hidden `upsides`? I will be so grateful of any trustworthy leads and/or help whatsoever, am compos mentis, Transpersonal Psychotherapy holistic/Quantum background. Thanks for ANY relevant reliable resource/s. I do think Oliver Sacks my best chance as have studied and kept some pace with him.

I have vilitigo i want to tattoo my hole body brown?

i have vitiligo white patches all over my skin , i have the ability to be a model or evan a super model , but my skin decease has destroyed my i just want to die my body brown , as i have brown skin and white patches ,!

Christians, do you feel that you loved ones who have died without Jesus....?

deserve to BURN IN HELL FOREVER or do you delude yourselves into thinking that somehow they are in heaven because the priest at the funeral says so in order to comfort the deceased person's loved ones with their lies? Christians, if you had a child, friend, parent, or relative die without sharing your beliefs do you praised your God on his decision to have them tortured throughout eternity?

Could i get a doctors note for a two week leave from a holistic doctor?

i was thinking of visiting a naturopath to explain my depression/anxiety and that in lieu of medication i wanted to try the natural route and possibly take two weeks off work/school to go to a yoga retreat. do you think they would write me a note? what about a general practice/internal medicine doc? thanks

Teens, what is it like to have a loved one in jail?

My uncle is being charged with fraud after being accused of stealing a deceased man's money. The deceased man's brother, who is suffering from dementia, accused him and was somehow found competent by a judge to press those charges. He is only serving 18 months, but I am so close to him. Almost a year ago my fiance suffered a miscarriage when she was nearly 5 months pregnant. It really took a toll on me because I was only 17 at the time and I sacrificed a college scholarship to raise my baby girl. Anyway, my uncle really helped me a lot and without him, I don't think I could have gotten through the pain and saved my relationship. It sounds corny and sh*t but I can't even imagine life without my uncle around everyday for his constant support.

Does the Gov't really have grants for single mothers?

My friend told me to apply for a government grant to help with my son. His dad is deceased and he's not eligible to get social security b/c his dad didn't work enough quarters they said. i just need some financial help. My local dept of social services say I make too much money. But really it isn't enough. I don't want to miss out on help if I can get it.

Michael Jackson was the GREATEST entertainer of ALL time!!?

Who else agree? Simple yes or no. If you have something negative to say about MJ, don't comment. Be respectful of the deceased.

Depressed over animal testing?

I recently read an article about animal testing within large corporations and I'm feeling quite bad. The reason I read the thing to begin with was because someone got angry with me fro supporting Proctor and Gamble and their animal testing because I use their product (California Naturals Dog Food). SO, I decided last night that I wouldn't use it anymore and I would refuse to support any company that tests on animals. This was proving difficult in the grocery store (even the all natural store) with the PETA approved list I took with me. Furthermore I have a serious medical condition that I have to medicate even though I hate drugs and have protested the use of with several doctors over the past few years. The fact is there isn't always a natural or holistic remedy for certain diseases. GSK and Lilly are makers of two drugs I take and they are both evil monster corporations. Between P&G, Unilever, Colgate/Palmolive, General Mills and Monsanto it's becoming impossible to purchase safe and healthy foods. P&G gobbles up my dog food company last year. Monsanto buys out Whole Foods this year. Whats next? Can you even flip a light switch without hurting someone or something these days? Am I wasting my time trying to boycott with my wallet when the small companies keep being absorbed by multi-nationals? It seems when we try to use something other than the big companies they simply take away the safer and smarter choices with their almost infinite amount of money. I'd enjoy any positive feedback anybody might have. I feel hopelessly depressed and powerless!

What is the hottest temperature you can donate blood outside to where its not dangerous?

My lil sister went and donated to the american red cross. The held the donation out on a bus when the temperature outside is 105 and muggy (to put it bluntly you couldn't step outside and breath). When she stepped off the bus she fainted and fell down the stairs hit her head on the cement and couldn't remember her name. She is now in the hospital. What is the hottest temperature you can donate blood outside without it being dangerous?

Why do people get so angry when anyone says caucasian people are a superior people?

None seems to mind when people suggest blacks or asians are smarter or superior, but there seems to be a severe emotional reaction when it's caucasians, especially white. the only difference is the mounds of scientific and historical proof that caucasians are the smartest most innovative people. There ase always cries of bigot and racist regardless of the proof. This is a dangerous primitive response.

Is not going to church a sin?

even if my mom is always sick and dad is always working? im a young boy who is just going into puberty(it stinks!) i Really want to go to church but my mom is always sick(she has fibromyalgia and bunch of other deceases with long names) and my dad is always working so i don't have the heart to ask him to take me. I really love god and im a Catholic by the way. I also swear A lot at school but i don't even realize it. plz help me im open to change!!!!!!!~~thnx ps. im sorry if i spell things wrong i am the worlds worst speller lol.

What does my dream of kittens mean (also another dream too) Please answer 10 points!?

You're mind probably believe's you want a cute kitten in your dream's. So the mind is telling you that getting a kitten will be cute like that one. Your not going crazy so relax. Enjoy those dreams and embrace them

Can you loose 80 pounds in a month or two?

im 11 and i am severly overweight 154 actually and i want to be really skinny before i go back to school after summer. i want to be atleast 75 pounds by august 3rd so that about 1 and 1/2 months.And please nobody tell me thats dangerous or whatever. I have already tried starving myself but i only gain weight.infact i went to the park and walked a mile 3 times in one week and gained 5 pounds??? i need help please tell me a diet i can use or a way to loose weight fast and please dont go copy and paste from some web page you googled that uses giant words that nobody understands or wants to i am not allowed to go outside and play/get exersise much but i might get i bike soon.

How to get a job in dubai ?

My mom is planning on to move to Dubai. She's trying to look for a Job but she can't seem to find a legit site to apply or a buisness she can get a connection through. I'm trying to help her find a job, does anyone know of a good website to apply. Were from Canada. Heres a few things she can do... Insurance (claims), Holistic nutrition, Medical office administration, administrative research, administration... Please reply with good information.

My father who just passed had a mental illness?

I'm very sorry. You should be more happy than sad since he'd been through much in his life with all the bipolar illness. And death is salvation.. Your dad is resting in peace now, isn't this much better than him living with bipolar and staying away from his kids and missing them and collecting toys for them? Just look up in the sky and smile to him and tell him it doesn't matter if he'd dead, he'd always be in your heart because that's where you kept him all your life. Love you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When at 64 years old/receiving deceased husband widow disablility what happens to the moonies i work for?

don t understand social security rule which ever is greater. I worked for over 30 years myself. and was married for 33 years be husband passed. does not seem fair. I should be able to get both.

What treats do you recommend?

I usually buy Beggin Strips for my dogs but the ones I got for them yesterday made both throw up, I am considering switching to Holistic treats...they have already switched to high quality dry and canned food(TOTW)...but all the treats at my holistic store are expensive and weird flavors. I don't want to spend 10 dollars on a bag of treats that they won't eat. I do not mind spending the money, as long as they like them. Does anyone have any favorites?

Do you REALLY think Ryan Dunn is dead?

He needed to die in public so the government's task force could take him, he isn't really dead, but the government is using only dead people- because dead people cant break international laws and regulations. The passenger in his car was a government handler of Mr Dun, and America's best medic. Their mission is to take down the Mexican Drug cartel from the inside. there are 7 people on this special forces team. I probably will die for sharing this information with you. Spread the word.

Should I spay my rats?

The only way to find out is call your local exotic animal clinic and find out as to cost and stuff. They can give you advice on those things.

Two recurring dreams that happen one after another?

I have lots of dreams. The strangest was a pyramid in my pillow would eat my face. Seriously. I think the grandfather one is just you wishing you knew him better. Dunno about your " guy friend". Thats just a random guess thow

Dance Therapy, is this another one of those holistic fad treatment degree?

My girlfriend is going to school to be a Dance Movement Therapist. I did some research on the "profession" and I am still in amazement that this degree requires a PhD. I'm a pretty open minded guy but every video and definition concerning DMT was on that hippie flower power crap. Does anyone believe in this stuff and how effective is DMT?

Are you a witch of birth parents or a chosen path? What of a Vampyric Mother and Witch Father lineage? Real.?

I have a very unique birthing and life. Before I even remember I was crawling in circles and worshiping the Goddess/God. My children do as well. But, my Mother was of Vampyric lineage and my Father was of a very strong line of Wiccan per my very strong Wiccaning at Birth and a lifetime of teachings, I suppose. My Father was Saintly to me. I loved my mother dearly, but she was different. I am, as well. I am Ordained for both Christian and, of course other Spiritial beliefs....Although I remain strong to my Wiccan Spiritual side. I have been initiated into a high degree over my lifetime and served as a High Pristess...not to impress, but just to inform. Nothing too impressive with that responsibility. Many Many Many years of study amidst feeling different, which I was in so be it, "normal" society, but loved by many. I have been blessed with the gifts of, as my father called them, the Knowing. Not movie. And I used them, with respect to the Wiccan Rede. I worked with the Houston, TX Police dept. a few years in lieu of my psychic abilities, which include telekinesis. But, in the secular world I am a RN...Master's degree...a Trauma Nurse for many years. I am very much into Holistic Healing through energy expressions, and, well too much to detail, but in worldly life and death IS the best way to help others through fear, death, and grief. Just interested. Seen many interesting websites this eve after the Leo Moon.....Just looking and testing others thoughts and REALNESS!..We are not monsters and we ARE REAL and humane. Odd to see so much on the world web about the occult. It was always just Natural to me. But lately, I have been studying the rational of the Vampyric Community, since I hail from that as well, related to family and some friends of like mind. But I fashion after my Father and Grand-Ma Ma....I AM A REAL WITCH as was he and my grandmother and aunts and family before he and me. We hail from Scotland, originally. I know my mother's family very well, but was heavily raised to embrace my Wiccan heritage. So, DO VAMPYRES and WITCHES MATE WELL. There was so much love and controversy in my upbringing. It was hard to tell...where the strengths and weaknesses laid. I just knew I was loved and cherished by all. Told I was special, and yes I have seen and witnessed many strange brewing and miracles which I give grace to my heritage, life teachings and upbringing. And, I guess to this day I still seek some answers that only I will be able to see. Maybe I have already seen them and I am on the path to another Rite Of Passage. Well, Merry Part and Blessed Be.....

Does holistic medicine work for Arthritis patients?

My grandma has arthritis. Was wondering if we should get her to try holistic medicine and messages. Do they provide permanent cure?

Should I break up with my girlfriend because of her tattoo?

I have been dating my girlfriend for about 3 years now and about 4 months ago she got a tattoo of her deceased mothers name and a little saying under it on her upper chest. Everytime we have sex it seems to really bother and sometimes she wants me to ejaculate on her face or chest area. Im fine with tattoos but having to look at her deceased mother name while having sex and what not really bothers me but id hate to tell her that. What should I do?

Do you really care what your dog eats? Or just feed it what ever?

I care deeply about my dogs. I also try to base all my decisions on evidence. I am not going to let a bunch of unproven allegations about ingredients sucker my into a food I know little of. I am sticking to Pro Plan with its fine record of use by professionals in a position to make rational decisions.

Prescription Diet For URINARY health crystals in cat.?

i havnt a clue but i would suggest you get an electric water fountain drink dish for kitty because they absolutely love drinking moving water. lots of water will also help kitty with the crystal problem.

What is a biomeridian test?

Meridian stress assessment tests are becoming very popular for holistic medicine to find certain energetic imbalances. What exactly does this test do and how reliable is it?

Need to lose 8 lbs? I'm 5'5 and 106 lbs?

I really need to loose a lot of weight. My goal is to break the 95 lbs mom says its dangerous and that im becoming anorexic but i just really like exercising. I feel healthy and don't look skinny so isn't it safe?

How many weetabix should I feed my 35kg greyhound? (just for breakast)?

He is a greyhound, my other greyhound girl would not eat weetabix because she's a fusspot! I know I am going to get a lot of people saying dogs should be fed dog food pedigree, bakers etc. but lets get this straight, I would never feed my dogs that rubbish, full of additives, artificial colourings, flavourings etc. Both of my dogs are currently fed on Burns Holistic Dry Complete pet food with a small amount of meat or fish such as tuna, kippers, livers, mince etc. added, but I know my boy was fed weetabix with milk all his life whilst a racer and he really enjoys it. I just don't know how many I should be feeding, I gave him 6 this morning with a little milk as a trial. Any help would be appreciated. :)

Camping + guns-legal?

i live in ny state + plan on taking my wife + son camping in a few weeks. i'm also an avid licensed hunter. the property we'll be camping on is infested w/bear + coyotes. i don't plan on hunting these animals b/c hunting season is closed. but,am i allowed to keep a shotgun or rifle in the tent w/me to protect us from these potentially dangerous + wild animals? i don't feel like going to jail for protecting my family from a raging bear or a pack of coyotes. please help

38 weeks pregnant and dreaming of my deceased father?

My father died in 1995, and I still dream of him on a weekly basis. The Other Side is not as far away as one might think. He comes to guide and visit and sometimes warn. Such is the case with your father. He wants your numbers, meaning he wants permission to visit again. Enjoy the relationship you now have with him on a other side.

What to do about children abandoned with me?

My brother (whose wife is deceased) recently dropped off his 3 kids for a "visit" and is not coming back. For many reasons, this is better for them. However, I want guardianship to be legal. Should I contact a lawyer, or can I resolve this by simply talking to social services? Will I have to go to court? Will I have to become a foster parent (and my home a registered foster home) in order to keep them? Has anyone else had family members abandoned with them and if so, how did you resolve it? I want what is best for the kids and they need stability and security. Any good advice is appreciated.

What food should I use for my five month old Wheaten Terrier (estimated adult size 45lbs, currently 32lbs)?

When we got her she was eating Nutro Ultra Holistic Puppy. Her stools were wonderful as was her breath. She never had stinky gas and had tons of energy. However, she was itchy and no amount of Benadryl really helped. When I realized that she was dealing with a food allergy I did a bland, elimination diet and found that she is very allergic to rice. I then slowly introduced her to Orijen Puppy but her gas and diarrhea are horrible. On her vet's advice, I did ground turkey with oatmeal and that was great on her tummy but as I reintroduce Orijen her stools get looser and the gas gets worse! Finally she did a stool sample and that came back clean so her vet said that Orijen is just too complex for her. Any ideas on a simple, rice free puppy food?

Is it just me or is there more GSD's lately with this condition?

my sister lost a dog from this roughly10 yrs ago- it rarelys strikes at less than 10 yrs of age so the dog was born 20 yr ago. Since the dog breeding career would be well over by 10 (and probably daughters wold be past bearing age as well) it's been difficult to breed out. A test for it JUST came out so reputability bred lines should see a decrease - starting in 10 years.....a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What kind of dog food would you recommend for a lab with a sensitive stomach and diarrhea?

My dog has had terrible gas with various types of food. Is there an ingredient that causes this and what brand of food would be suggested? I've tried holistic foods among the other name brands out there. Any help is appreciated.

My great great grandfather was a cowboy who never filled out a census?

I am trying to find out more information about my heritage, and family history. I have a membership to, and have explored MANY other websites of the sort, but I have hit a brick wall. My great great grandfather never filled out a census, and both his son and grandson (my grandfather) are deceased, my dad knows nothing about him either. What avenues can I take, all I know is his name, and that he was born in Oklahoma or Missouri. (we also have one picture, but that's it)? I really have no idea, please help!

What should I do about my "backwards" family?

My cousin is in her early twenties and on her own living with her longterm boyfriend, whom she plans to marry in the future. I am also in my early twenties but I just finished college so I'm living with my parents looking for a job, and boyfriend less so when I say she has her own life unlike me, that's what I mean. Anyway, she recently told me that they are having a baby and I couldn't be happier for her, but she's scared to death to tell my mom, aunt and grandma (her parents are deceased) because our family is Catholic and she is afraid that they will be angry at her for not being married, which they will be. I think this is ridiculous. When she finally tells them, how can I make them see how things are different in the world now and that it's not the 50s anymore without offending them? It's her life and they shouldn't be angry at her for living her life, at least that's how I see it...

How do you know if you are "good" at something?

People usually base their claims only on their own personal experiences. As you stated, if a student does well in one class, but not in another, then he/she will claim that they are good at that subject. Obviously, they are not comparing themselves with those with PhD's in the field. When one says I'm "good" at something, they're only claiming that they're better at that subject, than the other subjects they have been exposed to.

Car frame "buckled" it dangerous to drive?

They shoulda totaled it. When the frame has damage its unsafe period. Any little bump can crack the frame and if u get into accident again could be fatal. The way cars are made now a days they crumble so u don't. And by having the frame damaged already It's unsure the next issue u can have. Especially if u crash u can be hurt bad now

Monday, July 18, 2011

Need help with dogs diet...?

My dog has a very bad allergy to rice and gets ear infections if she eats it. For years now she has been on California Naturals grain free chicken meal. She looks great and feels great on it. It has a protein of 34% and 12% fat. She is very active so the higher protein is useful. She is a senior and has some thyroid problems so she has to maintain lower fat as well. I rent a room in a house and have to use a mini-fridge so I can't really store raw. I give her raw a few times a week but I have to feed it to her within a few days or it goes bad. My question is this. The vet seems to think the food she is on is great for her condition and that I shouldn't switch it until I move to a place with more storage for a freezer so I can feed raw. I'm worried about Proctor and Gamble making this food now though. When I mentioned this to my vet he explained that, in his opinion, feeding any food (kibble, raw, canned) had inherent risks and that with the way corporations control almost everything we consume it's about choosing the lesser of two evils. He feeds his dog raw organic prey model but he told me he wasn't sure he trusted that anymore either. He spoke of a journal article about how loose the USDA is in labeling "organic" products. "Tyson, the biggest manufacturer of chicken in the USA sells organic chicken now", he said. He then asked, "do you really think a company that treats live chickens as poorly as they do really works hard to give you organic meat"? He's a holistic vet and we have used him for 20 years so I trust him a bunch. I guess I'm wondering if it even matters what brand I'm feeding anymore as long as I stay with LID and lower fat. Do you guys think I should switch? Anybody know of any foods with LID and 30% or more protein?

How many knows that TODAY, one cannot get a loan on a home if you do not planned to live there?

The NEW federal financial reform prohibits people from getting loans on houses one wants to rent. My deceased mom's house has been up for sale for a year--no bites--i want to buy it to rent it--for investment im putting 50% down and i cannot get a loan because i wont be living there. What is going on? What right does the federal government have to restrict people from investing in property? No wonder why the housing market is STILL PLUMMETING

Why is the head of my penis, and foreskin sticky? I am 15 and i have never had sex.?

Its been like this for as long as i can remember. Its just that i haven't thought about until now. At first i thought it was a decease or something but since i have never had sex, that is not possible right?

What property, other than a house, is subject to Medicaid's Estate Recovery in Ohio?

These items should be given to the family while the person is still alive to make sure they are not sold to repay Medicaid. Any assets can be levied to repay Medicaid. In California, this only applies to someone who got public benefits after age 55 and if the person has a surviving spouse, assets cannot be levied until the spouse dies.

What is the best product for keeping ticks off your dog?

I use K9 Advantix-2 monthly and it never fails me and I have never had any problems with it harming my dog or anything like that. It kills and repels ticks, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and lice. It is also waterproof so your dog can swim and you can bathe her.

Pack of ice in fish tank?

My water is getting way too hot and my baby tears are slowly dying. It's been going up as high as 86 degrees. I just filled up a ziplock bag full of ice and 1/8 of the bag is touching the water. I don't want the temp dropping too fast. Will it be dangerous for my fish? I have cardinal tetras and a ram.

Can you tell me what this means?

i don't know why but when i have bad feelings about something they strangely happen the way i thought they would. when i was 11 i got into a four wheeler wreck, all i remember was before i got on i said"but what if i fall off and hit my head" , later we wrecked and i flew off and landed on my head (as i was told) and damaged my memory. A months ago i has this feeling where my 90 year old grandmother was going to get sick/ be in the hospital before her next birthday(which was 3 weeks away) her house burnt down, leaving two other relatives deceased and her in the hospital, this happened just 3 days before her birthday. Another time: i was talking to my partner and i had a feeling like he was in a bad mood or going to leave me, 5 minutes later he told me he just wanted to be friends, and so on.. every now and then i "take the words right out of someones mouth" and when im watching movies i have an idea of whats going to happen. can you tell me what this is, maybe physic? i also took a physic IQ test and the ranks were 10-20 not physic; 20-28 physic; 28-30 brilliantly physic ; i scored a 28. answers please(: thanks

Which is a good natural remedy for allergies?

I have been suffering from allergies for years, tried a thousand medications and nothing work. I am looking for a holistic or natural remedy.

Proper wording for wedding invitations in unusual circumstances?

I like Kiara's idea, but using a small cross (superscript) after your mom's name instead of "late" - that is as long as you're not Jewish. Most likely everyone invited will know that your Mom has passed away, and it will be obvious to them what the cross means.

Can you feed newborn lambs cows milk?

Just had to rescue two newborn lambs from a severe thunderstorm and the mother is nowhere to be found. We only have fresh cows milk at them moment - is this dangerous to them?


Ok, so recently a guy/girl sent a request to me to be my contact. I had no idea who this person was...and i accidentally added her. I clicked the wrong link and I accepted her request. Is this dangerous? What information does she have access to?

For those who grew up in emotionally abusive families.....?

my dad-left me basically tramautized.....took me a long time to get over it.....right not im basically indifferent and just think of his as a normal individual........had to forgive him and stop hating him......hating him was too stressful and took up took up too much time.......i never picked up the phone when he called....(about 8 yrs ago, when my mother and him got divorced) now he doesn.t call......he sent me emails for a while and i sent back short was my birthday a few weeks ago and he has stopped sending me bday cards (starting this year) im perfectly fine with that......if i saw him today, i would be civil to him....

Need help with selecting a dog food for a picky eater?

I know 'kibble & bits' and 'beneful' are full of fillers and are poor quality but my dog only wants to eat the softer chewy pieces in the cheaper brands of dog food. When i tried giving my dog a higher quality kibble (Blue Buffalo) he did not want to eat it. Are there any higher quality dry dog foods that have any chewy pieces? I tried feeding him holistic canned food but it have him horrible diarrhea so I would really like to find a semi-soft kibble if it exists. Thank you for reading!

Snappy Mission statement for Mobile Beauty and Holistic therapy business?

Racking my brains trying to come up with a short and snappy Mission statement for my Mobile Beauty and Complementary/holistic therapy business. Some I have come across from other companies to give you an idea are "Make the best of you" and "feel amazing" I want to get something that is not just beauty orientated but has the "holistic" theme in it too!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!

Going to Court over credit card debt. Please help!?

They will probably garnish your wages if you are employed. If you own a home they might attach a lien on the property. I know they won't lock you up. Contact Wells Fargo to see if you can set up a payment plan. Remember, your credit is very important. You auto insurance rates are based on it and sometimes your employment. Good luck.

Agree/Disagree: not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims?

no...there were terrorists in Ireland - they were Catholic .... Spanish terrorists - Basque it is not just Muslim terrorists...there are nutters amongst many nations!!

I need help filling out passport form statement of consent or special circumstances?

They ask for the reason he's not available, and want to know the latest time you tried to contact him. I'd keep your statement simple--you don't know where he is so don't know how to contact him, and let them know your last contact and the situation.

High protein dog food for inactive dogs?

Well, too much protein in a human can lead to gout, among other things; so I'd be talking to a good vet who' ll probably suggest both of you get some more exercise.

Veterinarian School help/advice?

Sorry, but you can't do that. 90% of vet school is not about surgery anyway. You must learn anatomy, physiology and medicine courses as well and this is the majority of vet school. All veterinarians must pass the national board exam which means that you will need to learn about those surgical procedures even if you don't want to perform them. Most veterinarians only perform routine surgeries such as spays and neuters anyway and some vets don't perform surgery at all. You won't learn "intense surgery" in vet school anyway. Those that want to go on to perform more advanced procedures will go through a residency program after vet school. Also, even if you do not want to perform those advanced surgeries you should still know about them so that you understand when they are indicated and can refer clients as necessary as well as deal with some post-op care.

Trying to firm up stools for puppy?

I've used pumpkin to firm up my pups stools. i just add a few teaspoons depending on how he was doing. sometimes 1 spoonful sometimes 2 or 3 with every meal. you can try and see what works for you. best of luck!

My Shih Tzu is starving itself? PLEASE help me?!?

Get a few samples from the pet store, most have little sample bags of the better foods. See which one it likes and buy that food.Try a can of "Chicken Soup for Dogs" or Merricks' "Grammy's Pot Pie" If it isn't back on schedule eating Monday morning, get it to see the vet. Being "off his feed" is one of the first signs of trouble.

Should I apply arnica cream to my under eye circles?

or is it too dangerous and fragile under the eyes for that?? because basically what under eye circles are are bruises, right?? i need a real professional's help PLEASE! i'm desperate to get rid of my under eye circles!!

Is chemistry needed for holistic medicine?

In college, would one be required to take a chemistry course, would it be needed for me to have taken chemistry in high school before going into this major in a future university?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

When Will My Happily Ever After Begin?

No way Mallory.. The s no mistake in your part.. What you did is absolutely the right thing.. Its your life.. You and only you have the right to decide who you should marry.. May be it's too difficult for your mother to accept the fact that you married someone they don't like very much.. Don't worry about this a lot.. She might be avoiding you even because of ego.. Come on she is your mama.. she definitely loves you and always wishes for your goodness... Just give it some time.. Be happy with your family.. over the time, she'll definitely see how happy you are and her thoughts will change... Your happy ending is in the way you see it... look at your son and husband.. you'll know your happy ending is right there before you... The problem with your mom of course will be disturbing you.. But please pull through.. Soon things will become better.. Time is the only solution... Just give it some time.. In the mean gap, try to enjoy life to the fullest with your new family and make sure you do your part perfectly as a wife and a mother, don't let these hard feelings trouble your family's peacefulness... Just don't worry about this too much and let it be free...

38 Weeks Pregnant And Dreaming of My Deceased Father?

I believe that our passed loved ones visit us through our dreams. In this case, it sounds like your dad was doing that, and maybe the phone number thing was his way of showing you that he wants to be around (spiritually) and watching over you guys, just another way to stay in contact, like the phone.

Hallo! I want to know where is the best place to live in Bangalore? Mean, nice, safe and not expencive?

BTM Layout, JP Nagar, Basawanagudi, Banshankari, Jaya Nagar...... i prefer this places if i have to take a house. Jayanagar is bit costly and few stages in bhanshankari are peaceful where as few areas are dirty (areas nearer to Bus stand)..... HSR Layout is another peaceful area but its bit isolated and costly.

Naproxen for chest pain?

I have been having chest pain and was given a chest x ray and e.k.g. and was told my heart is fine I was prescribed naproxen 500mg pills and they work but when I'm off them my chest pain is back. I don't no what to do I can't take naproxen forever. Does anyone no what's wrong with my chest or a safer treatment or remedy? How long can o take naproxen before it becomes dangerous for my liver? Thanks for Any of your answers?

Is it possible to see a therapist without a psychiatrist?

No, you don't need to see any doctor to see a therapist. Doctors sometimes are the ones who will give you a referral to a therapist, but you don't need their permission to see one, and therapists don't require a referral from a doctor.

I am starting my dogs on a Raw Diet...any thoughts? Does anyone know a holistic vet in Toronto?

An all-meat diet isn't balanced. Try the BARF diet or get some raw dog food books at Dogwise [] to make sure your dog gets all of the necessary nutrients. The BARF book is at Dogwise, too.

Recently I started having stiffness and pain in my thumbs when I bend them, they seemed inflamed.?

need some relief is there any thing that you can take that helps inflammation of the joints that is non- chemical, and more holistic.

DS: Puppy has a sensitive stomach?

Look for another food with similar ingredients. For me, I'd keep her on the proplan. Why mess with something that's working? Continuous changing of foods is not helping you much here. You could try changing again once she's older like around 12 months old. This could be just a puppy thing.

Someone who also feeds their cats holistic food?

Right now I am feeding my two 1 year old cats, about 1/4 a cup Evo Salmon dry with about... 1 in a half tablespoons for my 7 pound kitty and about double that for my 15 pound male. I am really unsure because my wet food is Wellness and they say to feed your cat 1/2 a can per meal per Pound. Or I read it wrong? But I buy the large cans so it's confusing. So my question is, with keeping the same price range I am paying now, is wellness wet and evo dry an okay combo? And how much do YOU feed your cat?

What are common food allergies that Labrador retrievers have? Trying to pick a decent food for my dog.?

Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets are wonderful for dogs with food allergies (except for the Lamb meal & brown rice, which obviously has grain in it) My JRT had food allergies and this was a miracle for her.

Why has the obamas done nothing to help the low maine low lobster population?

lobster fishing in maine has been very slow this year unlike last year. it may be a result of global warming or other factors yet the president has done nothing to help this species which may be starting to reach dangerous low population levels

Does it happen often that bad people are happy,lucky and satisfied and good people suffer?

Are going to complain about it or fix it? The only justice is the justice we give each other. But it often does come down to a choice of weather to be happy or good.

Dog food recommendation, please?

Avoid foods with corn, soy, rye, barley and wheat. These contribute to food intolerance and allergies and totally uncessasary for dogs. Food related illness can result in chronic ear and skin infection/allergies and digestive problems. A good choice is Natural Balance Potato and duck formula. My dog kept throwing up the first few days I had him and right after I switched, no more vomitting.

My deceased brother's acct was hacked. I know this b/c I just received spam from him. What do I do?

Who do I contact? I have searched and searched. Is there a exact web address without searching I can go through. FB has a form to fill out to delete a deceased users acct. Does yahoo?

Okay this might seem weird to you but interesting ...about spirits or ghost.?

that is great :) and yes thats normal my mother had dreams when she was with my dad who was abusive and she told me my great-grandmom warned her he was bad she told me one night she had a dream of her and she told her that she was in danger and to be carefull and while my great-grandmom told her that she smacked her across the face and she woke up along with my dad who woke up at the same time they looked at eachother and they talked about ther dreams turns out the had the same dream only my dad had never met my great-grandmom so when my mom asked him how the woman in his dream looked and he described her to my mom exactlyas she was my mom was in shock and they both had a hand pring on their cheeks. luckily now she has left him and its been 10 years since she lived in that awfull relationship.

Is tramadol safer than rimadyl for long term pain management in my dog?

One of my dogs started having trouble getting up so I brought him to the vet. She recommended an xray and prescribed tramadol. I have another dog with grade 3 elbow dysplasia that I give rimadyl sometimes for the arthritis. My concern is that the rimadyl can damage her liver and kidneys with long term use and she needs regular blood work when she is taking it. I've had a holistic vet urge me to take her off it entirely and just do acupuncture. However she sometimes needs extra pain relief. Her arthritis is probably bad enough that she always has some pain. So I was wondering if tramadol might be a safer alternative to ask the vet about.

I want to start my dogs on a raw food diet. everyone says i'm being too "over the top"...?

As long as you took the time to do the research then I think it's a great idea. I personally did months of research before I switched my dogs to raw and they have never been happier. There seems to be a stigma with raw because a lot of people think that we wouldn't put that in our body so why our dogs? People don't understand that this is a fabulous diet for our let's. Plus this way we know what is going into our beloved pets bodies.

Radiation from the sun vs. human made radiation from nuclear waste?

Will someone please explain the difference to me? I'd like to know why nuclear waste is more dangerous and why we should be more concerned about it. Does it have to do with the gamma decay?

I have a title to a mobile home that I believe money is stilled owed Could the finance company come after me?

The mobile home was my deceased father's home. I found the title signed by the finance company releasing the lien, but I also found where he had been paying the finance company. I want to sell the mobile home. Can the finance company come back after me?

Are Vampire romances boring these days?

Not really it depends on if like the story is a typical vampire story it needs to have something different from all the others. And your idea is really different I like it. I would read it

The ligament between the inside upper lip and the upper jaw gums tore?

That thing im not quite sure what it is thats between the inside upper lip and the top gums tore from the gum side, sort of detached on the bottom not bleeding tho. Is it dangerous? Is it gonna grow back? Should i go to the doctor? Is it searious?

Is it dangerous living in South Africa?

For white people is it safe, like could you walk down the street without looking over your shoulders all the time, are there any safe areas where you don't have to worry about your house being attacked, is it possible for a white foreigner to get a job out there?

My 16 year old son got a tattoo without my permission, and we live in Ca where it is illegal, what can I do?

Im so mad my 16 year son came home with a tattoo without my permission, its his deceased fathers name on his arm, he knew I never wanted him to get one, but he got one anyway, I dont know who did it, but Im sure one of his friends know, In Ca its a mes meaner to do that to a minor. I wanted to go down and file a police report, my mother said it probably wont do any good, but I wanted to do it anyway, plus she said the police might take my son to juvenile hall, I dont know if thats true or not, but I feel like he really disrespected me by getting this done, and I want to take him somewhere to get it removed.. What do you think I should do?

Questions about Dreamcatchers?

It might be a little dangerous if it falls on your head during the night - but I'm sure it won't cause lasting damage.

Blood Blister In Mouth?

i chipped my tooth about three years ago (front right) and for a few months now i've had a blood blister at the top of my gum above that tooth. I popped it once but the next day it was filled with blood again. I go to the dentist tomorrow and i'm going to ask her about it but i was wondering if anyone knew what it was from? or if it is dangerous?

I am being threatened by my ex. Help?

I am being threatened by my daughter's father. We have been split for about 5 years not married,on and off a little. I am recently in a new relationship and I am very happy. My ex does not want any other man around our child and is very angry. I am nervous that he'll try and do something about it. He has family that I guess all i can say are very dangerous and I would'nt hold anything against them... Can I please have some advise. I really dont want to spend my life alone because of him, and I dont want him out of my daughters life because they both really love each other Help!

How do YOU pray? Very easy question, just what you do?

I was just wondering because sometimes I feel like I'm praying wrong or something (not actual prayers, just plain praying-like for someone to recover from an injury or something). So how do you pray? To a saint? To God? To a deceased loved one? I'm just wondering.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I was told that if my mother was deceased at the time of my fathers death, i may get his benefits. is this tru?

Does he have a will? Are there other heirs? What benefits are u talking about? My workplan u list how u want yr benefits to be distributed when u die so there is always a paper trail somewhere. Don't throw a party honey, u might be disappointed

How large does a debt need to be befor they go after a deceased persons estate?

There is no minimum. The administrator or executor is legally required to pay all of the deceased debts in full before anyone else gets a single cent.

Social Security question..?

My aunt is filing for custody over my brother and I. We both get social security checks for $650 each; for having a deceased parent (my mom). My dad is not mentally well to take care of us, and has been abusing the usage of the checks. My aunt needs financial help, and she was going to to do so with our ss checks. But we cannot get a hold of it, because my dad is the official payee. He left the house, and wont talk to any of us. Can my aunt take the court paper, that states she is filing for custody, and ask the social security worker to change the payee for now. She will get finalized as payee when she becomes our guardian, but this will take about 5 months. So can she get the checks untill then?

Psychiatric Nurse, Psychiatrist or Psychologist?

I'm currently a freshman in college with a nursing major. I've been torn between the career I want to eventually pursue and I'm looking for some advice. Ultimately out of a career I want to be able to help people, be an outlet for them and help them through their problems, but I also love the biological and scientific aspect and would like to be able to help them medically. I want to take a holistic approach. I don't mind how long I'm in school for, and regardless of whether I become a nurse or doctor or psychologist, I would like to have my own private practice. I was thinking to either double major in nursing and behavioral neuroscience, stay with nursing and minor in psych, or switch to behavioral neuroscience, pursue med school and if that's not the route I decide to take, then I'll enter the accelerated nursing program. My issue with letting go of nursing is the job security and being able to get my degree, then work as I pursue other things, possibly med school. I know I'm only one year into college and people change their majors all the time, but I'd rather figure this out now and not waste $50,000 a!

My Bullmastiff itches scabs on his face and back,what do I do?

I have checked for fleas and switched food to grain free Blue Buffalo Fish and oatmeal large breed food which has not stopped the itching.He itches bloody sores on his nose and face on several occasions.Want to try to fix this the holistic way but do not know where to start.

Would it be a Bad Idea to ride on Rollercoasters if you have a history of Seizures?

I'll be going to an Theme/Amusement Park here in Tennessee later today (Dollywood In Pigeon Forge) and was wanting to know if it would be dangerous for someone like me that has a history of seizures to be riding on a rollercoaster? I had my first rare seizure in 2008 and since then i've been too scared to ride on the rollercoaster rides everytime i go to Dollywood. I usually just ride the water rides and i feel just fine when i ride them but I haven't been on a rollercoaster since 2007.. the summer before i had my seizure. Thank You

Is it worth it to pray for others?

Being aware that they are not alone and have others praying for them is a form of self-talk. This is why praying for others must be a wide cultural practice and not an exception to normal.

How many cups in a 30lb bag of Holistic Select Large Breed/ 33lb bag of Innova Large Breed Adult dog food?

For those who have fed these two foods, about how many cups did you get out of each bag? I am weighing the pros and cons of both foods for my Great Danes and economy is one concern. I am aware that one can figure out an estimate mathematically, but I would rather get input based on experience (rather than try and guess at the food density, etc). Thank you

A life on the auction block?

A Life On The "Auction Block?" My stepbrother (executor of my mother's estate) expects my sister and me to BUY items from our deceased mother's kitchen if we want to take them home with us. So that means if I want her collection of small spatulas and whisks I have to BUY them from the estate. Is that extreme or what? I can see selling the house, furniture and appliances to help support my step-father, but well used kitchen gadgets? Any thoughts out there in Answers land?

18 weeks pregnant still withdrawing from marijuana?

i found out i was pregnant at 6 and a half weeks. I had been smoking on an every day basis for 6 years straight. i stopped once i found out i was pregnant. I am severely depressed and anxious now. I know half of it is the pregnancy hormones. but also the results of not having weed in my system after smoking it for such a long period of time. i dont have any money to go see a doc. and refuse to be put on meds for any of this. I feel like i am dying inside mentally. not to mention my bf and i are having major problems and decided to call off our engagement. i feel as though i cant deal with life right now. i just lay in my bed all day. cant do anything and cant sleep at night either. and i want to be there for my baby and breastfeed too. i keep thinking.. great.. postpartum is next. what the hell am i going to do? does anyone have any suggestions or holistic remedies? i'm not having a problem not smoking. it is just the effects of it all. i also want to know if i harmed my baby in the beginning weeks. i go for my full checkup where they check the baby's organs in 2 weeks.

Is there anywhere you can swim with Orca (Killer) Whales?

Is there anywhere in the world you can swim with Orca whales? I've loved Orcas and dolphins since I was very young and I've seen countless places to swim with dolphins (which I'm hoping to do once or twice next year) but I haven't seen anywhere you can swim with Orcas. I'm hoping to be a trainer at Sea World when I'm older but I don't think I can wait that long to be able to swim with Orcas. I know that they are dangerous but it's alright. Thanks for any help!

<><><> Do you think that characters who have humble beginnings are more endearing <><><>.....?

There are plenty of likeable characters w/out humble beginnings. If you'd like to use HP as an example, Sirius, was born wealthy.

What are songs with lyrics about wanting more out of life?

Do you know any songs about thinking that right now, you are too boring and lazy, and you want to go out into the world, live life to the fullest, go on adventures, meet amazing people, try new things, be daring and dangerous, find love, whatever. Things of that nature. Preferably songs that are not screamo.

How to make my husband understand?

communicate, communicate, communicate. there are probably many reasons for his view on this, not the least of which is fear that you will die. in a loving way communicate this to him over and over again. eventually he will see.

Would you read this story?

I mean, the idea's intriguing, but the story has quite a few very large grammatical errors. You also are repetitive with saying "written it off" twice in a matte of lines. However, if you edit it I'll be much more interested.

Dog Food Opinions MEXICO?

Go to Blue Buffalo's website and contact them, or whatever other good food you choose. I'm sure they will be happy to ship. Hey, maybe you can even be a distributor for Mexico as I am sure there are many other people who would like to be feeding their critters better if the food were readily available!

What is best digestive enzymes for golden retriever?

i have a 4yr old golden retriever with bouts of bacterial overgrowth. She is on a hight quality holistic food with no recent dietary changes. I would like to try a digestive enzyme for her but am uncertain about a quality brand. Would like to hear experiences and recommendations.

Holistic Vets VS. Western Medicine?

Holistic practitioners are not practicing "eastern" medicine. They have the same training as what you refer to as a "western" vet, but they specialize in treating the WHOLE animal. They focus on fixing the problem rather than solely treating symptoms. Treatments MAY include herbal remedies, but often focus on lifestyle treatments, too-diet, exercise, etc.

How to respond to someone who says, "I'll pray for you"?

I just tell them thanks and to not forget to pray for themselves, too, because they need it way more than I do.

Was the Holocaust a myth?

No the genocide of millions of different people was not a myth-I've seen the skeletons, the tattoes, the starved human beings barely left alive that were found, the mounds of gold teeth, body parts, it's awful. I'm German-American, but it did happen.

How dangerous is it to have blood clots around organs?

My mother recently had pain in her abdomen and finally went to the doctor, he immediately sent her to the ER and she has to spend the night there maybe more. seeing my mom cry and be scared makes me scared. idk what it is called so if you know that would help... She apparently has multiple blood clots around her liver, and if one detaches it can go to her heart or brain? im very worried. i cant look up anything about it. her doctor has only heard of it,never seen it. any help at all?

Are mushrooms dangerous?

I've heard people say it's very dangerous. I've heard people say it's only slightly dangerous. Does anyone here do mushrooms? Can you tell me about the short term and long term effects?

What kind of doctor/field is this?

There are many health professionals that use complementary medicine (including chiropractors), but you are probably referring to a Naturopathic Doctor : a href="" rel="nofollow"

Would you say they should or shouldn't be allowed to?

Not sure your relation to "Johnny"'s case, but in reality, modern medicine has a better reputation, so if taken into a foster home, they will be expected to use the most widely accepted form of medical care. In some situations, what is known as "alternative" or "holistic" medication has been used on kids with health problems and the parents have been charged with neglect. The social worker has both the responsibility and the duty to do this. The foster parents can do whatever they want technically too.

I'm taking Prozac daily and I want to start taking Fastin. Is the combination dangerous? ?

I want to lose some weight using the Fastin weight loss pill. But I'm also taking Prozac (antidepressent). The only thing holding me back is that I don't know whether its safe or not to combine the two medications. Can someone with proffessional knowledge help me out on this please?

Are gutters necessary on a house?

I think I read somewhere that in northern parts of USA, houses do not have gutters. I asked a contractor to remove my gutters because it is too hard and dangerous to keep them unclogged. The gutter contractor refused saying that gutters are very necessary. Was the gutter-man just talking his book?

Are hair straighteners harmful? Whats the difference between perm and creatine?

my hair is curly..the curls are really tight so its kinda short..and i want it longer so i decided to braid it ..i keep braiding it but its not efficient i want natural none harmful ways to make my hair weavy.. ive been told that hair straighteners cause fast hair loss and makes hair white sooner and ive also been told that perm hair is really dangerous since its chemical and same goes to creatine.. i would also like to know the difference between perm and creatine and how i could straighten my hair without it being harmed?

How do I cope with the loss of an animal?

I know it may sound stupid, but I had two baby squirrels for a couple of days after they fell out of a tree and I was feeding it every two hours and I became very attached to them both. My mom wasn't too happy with the idea of me being around an animal that can have many diseases, but she put up with it for a little while. Well my dog ended up getting a hold of one of them and it ended up dieing and as for the other one my mom decided to set it outside for that fact that it can be dangerous and very hard to take care of a wild animal, especially since neither one of has the time. But before that I had called many places and none of them would take it in to take care of it. Well, I finally found someone that would take it in but I got their voice mail so that's when she put it outside. Four hours later they called me back and were going to pick him up so I went outside looking for him thinking maybe he would still be alive and the ants had gotten to him. Now I just feel awful because I became so attached to both of them and was really determined to save their lives. I now feel like there was absolutely no point in taking them in in the first place. There was no point to it at all. I should have either left them their and hoped for the best(like the mother coming back) or I should have stood up for the squirrels and decided to keep them until I got a hold of someone that could take them. Now I have awful images of these two dead squirrels in my head that I could and should have saved. I just need advice on how to cope with this.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Trying to find out if Willie Nelson played a concert in Birmingham, AL, in May of 1973.?

I found a backstage pass from my now deceased mom attending the show, but it only has the date May 16; no year on the pass. I want to know what year WN played this show - did he play a show 5/16/73?

Fastest and Safest way to Lighten Skin?

I lighten my skin too sometimes and there's a really good product you can get on Macy's online store. Its called Vantex, and its amazing it starts working in 2 weeks. i think its around 30$

Which is the most legit [major/career] choice?

Stay away from pharmacy if you're just in it for the money. You'll lack the motivation necessary to actually do well. Don't insult the profession or your patients.

What happens at a funeral when the body of the deceased has not been found?

There is not a burial and depending on the family the will still have a service and sometimes just an empty casket that is closed.

There is a tick on my dog's head please help!?

As long as it isn't bleeding and the dog doesn't seem uncomfortable, he should be okay until your parents get home.

I've am trying to find a friend from a few years back...?

There all all these different sites out there but they all want to charge. With the internet and access to so much info, I'm thinking there has to be a way to track someone for free. I just don't know how. I really!! would love to find this friend of mine. She may be deceased or not, last I knew she was living a crazy life. But I can't even seem to find her brother ( last name wouldn't change)and likely still lives in the same state (MD). If anyone can help guide me in the right direction I would be SO grateful!! Thank you so much!

How Do I Get A Prescription For Diet Pills?

I am about 75 pounds overweight and am having a lot of trouble making any progress. My doctor is holistic and will not prescribe diet pills. I have been to nutritionists, trainers, psychiatrists, and psychologists. All I need is for something to help jumpstart my weight loss and help me get going. What do I do???

Do i have herpes ? or am i just being paranoid?

okay 2 days ago i had sex with a friend and it was my first time and i gave him head. then a few min hours later like 3 or 4 i started getting like a copper feeling in my mouth (like a penny) and then i started feeling a weird scrunchy feeling on the edges of my lips like a cold sore ive been putting neosporin on my lips and brushing and rinsing my mouth like crazy to get rid of bacteria....there are no visible signs i can just feel it on my lips... to me it just feels like chopped lips but its just on the edges.... anything holistic i can do?

Why Was John F. Kennedy Buried at Arlington National Cemetery?

It was not because he had been President of the United States. The only other President to be buried at Arlington was William Howard Taft, who died in 1930, and who had served as President and as Chief Justice of the United States. No President since Kennedy has been buried at Arlington. Kennedy is not the only President to have been assassinated, and he is not the only President to have served in the military during wartime. Except for Taft and Kennedy, every other deceased President is buried somewhere other than Arlington. So why was Kennedy buried at Arlington?

Should I sign a paper allowing my 2 brothers to be the executors of estate over me?

My father recently passed away and our family has moved forward with the ironing-out of the more complex details of his life. His death was very unexpected so the paperwork is not very clear. The only official will lists his wife who is also deceased at the moment. My question is at a recent family meeting, we have discussed what is going to happen in the future with establishing an estate and we have all agreed that the assets will be divided 4 ways between all 4 siblings, but that 2 of my brothers will be made the executors on behalf of all 4. In order for this to happen my family has told me I and my other brother will need to sign off allowing them to become executors. Should I do this? Or should I ask to also be named an executor? My only concern is that the executors will not be fair in dividing up the assets.

Please Help is this guy going to ruin my life?

I've been dating this guy for about a year he's apart of a gang he picks fights with other guys when we are out together in public he gets drunk starts to act really loud.He starts stuff with people for no reason.He's very dangerous he just recently put hid hands on me for no reason at all chocking me pulling my hair over family issues he's having...Should I leave him I dong know what to do....

How to get really skinny fast?

im 11 and i am severly overweight 154 actually and i want to be really skinny before i go back to school after summer. i want to be atleast 75 pounds by august 3rd so that about 1 and 1/2 months.And please nobody tell me thats dangerous or whatever. I have already tried starving myself but i only gain weight.infact i went to the park and walked a mile 3 times in one week and gained 5 pounds??? i need help please tell me a diet i can use or a way to loose weight fast and please dont go copy and paste from some web page you googled that uses giant words that nobody understands or wants to i am not allowed to go outside and play/get exersise much but i might get i bike soon.and if i cant loose that much that fast how much can i and how?

Why is it illegal to cycle on the sidewalk?

In my town I cycle on the sidewalk a lot on the roads where there's a sidewalk. The cops have never said anything. Some of the roads are so busy and it wouldn't be safe to ride on the road. Why is it a law, when not riding on the sidewalk can be so dangerous? When there are pedestrians around I'm careful. I slow down. I've never hit anyone. I'm from Massachusetts if it matters. I don't know the law here.

If ghosts really do exist, would you expect them to be dangerous?

So many stories say that ghosts want to kill you or something, but if they really did exist wouldn't they be harmless and sorta just... Float there? Because I keep on going into my room and finding the light off in my closet and the door open. So I keep turning the light on and closing the door, but a few hours later I hear it creaking open. And it has just started to happen around a few days ago. I should just call ghost busters! Lol!

Reoccuring dream with creepy old lady?

each dream mean something.. i don't know.. but i use a site called "Saysadream" for my dreams and gives answer .. hope it helps u. I help other to know means and other help me :)

Do you ever have really bad day?

I let slip by accident in a conversation that I drove without insurance on a few occasions and the couple I was talking to was really shocked. They told me that in America I could have gone to prison for that and that it was really dangerous and they would never risk it and that it was kind of like drinking and driving... It made me feel real bad about myself and stupid. I don't know what to do to feel better.

I am attracted to flies, is this normal?

I tried to spank one when I felt frisky and killed it, now I walk around in black mourning my deceased lover.

Minecraft: Troll mob traps? Troll proofing your house?

My cousin got me this mod that spawns new types of animals, which makes night alot more dangerous, my main problem is the trolls, their huge and they smash down houses, how can i troll proof my houses? are their traps i could set up that would fit them? are there any videos on youtube that could show me how to set something up?? send me a link if their is or name a specific video coz i cant find anything =/ THANKSSS!!!

There is a car which is not in use and has not moved from its parking slot for past 2 years. Owner is deceased?

The car owner's daughter in law is occupying the flat in our co-operative housing society in Mumbai. Please advise whether the car can be removed because of the above stated reason from the parking slot and space made available for another car for parking.

What do you think about this comment? I was shocked...?

A friend of ours recently lost one of his young daughters in a car crash, and my mother said to him 'Its not so bad youve still got the other daughter'. Do you think this was a very insensitive comment? I must admit I was shocked. It almost sounds like the deceased girl was worthless dont you think?

Is belonging to a group dangerous?

At times yes, at times no. Depends on what you're fighting for. And being in a group makes you more prone to being influenced by other people, and not thinking for yourself.

My mother had lots of bills charged to her by her, now deceased son. Probably about $10,000 worth of credit?

card debt. She OWNS her home. Can she file bankruptcy on these bills. These debts are at least 8 years old. She doesn't have the income to pay. Apparently he got cards in my dad's and her name and maxed them out.(my dad just recently died, too) She has paid a lawyer $900 so far and all the lawyer has told mom is to just wait. Seems odd advice for $900.

How do I go about getting a deceased family members medical records if I own a life policy and the beneficiary?

You could ask the doctor or hospital, but don't get your hopes up. They may refuse, on the grounds that even the dead deserve privacy.

Heart rate-is it safe? confused?

Generally speaking, all adults should have a resting pulse rate of between 60 and 90 beats per minute. I learned years ago in gym class that 180 beats (while exercising of course!) should not be exceeded to prevent damage to/strain on the heart. That's awesome that you're in great shape! However, it does sound to me like the excess fat on your body is holding you back from your potential and putting strain on your body. I believe that if you can lose some weight, your heart rate will decrease to a healthy level and you will become that much more in shape and healthier. :)

101 Ways To Leave A Game Show?

Isn't it kinda dangerous? Do they have secret methods so the contestants don't get hurt? There are a lot of possible lawsuits for that show.

Should I break up with my girlfriend because of her tattoo?

I have been dating my girlfriend for about 3 years now and about 4 months ago she got a tattoo of her deceased mothers name and a little saying under it on her upper chest. Everytime we have sex it seems to really bother and sometimes she wants me to ejaculate on her face or chest area. Im fine with tattoos but having to look at her deceased mother name while having sex and what not really bothers me but id hate to tell her that. What should I do?

Can I get my bachelor's degree (and maybe PhD.) in holistic medicine?

Ok so I've always been into natural medicine and I've seen it help lots of people including myself. (I'm only 16 and I've had some serious medical problems). I am already duel enrolled in a health career program in which I can job-shaddow different careers and also attend college. Anyway, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do after high school. But I went to the health food store (like I usually do) and it just dawned upon me that maybe I could get a degree in holistic medicine. But I really don't know if that's possible. If anyone has any idea on how I can pursue this or if there are certain classes I may want to take that would be helpful. And after a bachelor's degree I'd like to go to med school. What degree should I shoot for?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I have a question about marriage..?

Soo..lets say you meet the women or man of your dreams and you marry and it works out perfectly, but what if they die..would you remarry? or would you stay dedicated to your deceased spouse???

What is the name of this episode of Criminal Minds?

In the beginning a woman find her husband in the bathtub deceased because shocked himself by taking a heater into the bathtub.

Can deceased family members garden from beyond?

100 yr old family home was torn down last year. Since then flowers are coming up all by themselves. My mom gardened like crazy and now the lot is awash in petunias, hollyhocks, morning glorys and some others I don't know. A poppy showed up even. Just wondering if I have a ghostly helper. I didn't plant any of these flowers. Like to think my mom is still gardening.

What jobs are available with a degree in Holistic Health?

I'm interested in getting my AAS degree in Holistic Health, as well as work towards my Bachelors in Holistic Health. What jobs would be available to me after obtaining an Associate Degree in Holistic Health? What about with a Bachelors?

Songs about a father and daughter?

No my father is not deceased... but he went to jail, he didn't do it and I miss him, and love him. Any songs to describe this. * PREFERABLY COUNTRY *

Is The POP PRESS The Only Reason That Many Americans Think Obama Still Has A Chance?

Do I need to remind you ? The news is not news anymore in the political realm. It`s all propaganda from both sides......Obama is more than a disappointment. He is a dangerous MARXIST posing as an American leader.

What should be the average cost per person for marketing your business?

I usually try to profit about $3.50 per lead so I would really only pay around $1 to get a lead. 50 cents is even better.

Why are my boobs getting smaller?(teen)?

I am 15 and I had my period for the first time when I was 11. I have always had a weird period like it could last 3months non-stop. but recently it has made my boobs swell once I get on my period. unfortunately (more) recently after each period and swelling and after the swelling goes down they keep getting smaller than before. I was a small to a medium 34c and now a small to medium 34b. I have not lost or gained any weight. I would like to take birth control but my mom, a holistic nutritionist, thinks it will kill me. please help!!

Bags for pretteens hellllppppp need answer ASAP!?

Just go to forever 21 and buy a bag. Or even Ross. Youre young you need to get designer unless you are rich. If you do jave money try juicy couture, its more teenager.

Question about Innova EVO?

well if i had an old dog with health problems, evo with 52% protein is offensive and i would not feed that in a million years ... i tried my dog on evo and all the extra protein shot out her rear as disgusting smelly black stools, the body getting rid of the unnecessary protein ... more is not always better ... the average adult pet dog requires approximately 18% protein and you are feeding an old dog more than double ... and i am not quite sure why you are so focused on carbs ... with the amount of protein you are feeding much of it will be excreted and what is not will be used as calories or converted to fat ... your dog can not utilize all that protein and the dogs body has to work very hard to get rid of the excess which is brutal for an old dog ... even a raw diet is only 25% protein ballpark ... it is hard to suggest a food because you have so many reasons against so many ... but you might want to reconsider evo for sure ... a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a - this kibble has a reasonable amount of protein and i don't think you are boycotting ellen :O)

My dad won't let me fly on a plane alone and I'm 12?

Why do you want to fly there and what will you do when you get therer? And the answer to his question is to ask to be moved to another seat (you'll have to explain to the flight attendants what happened) I'm sure they would want to make you as comfortable as possible.

Baby mama is this even MY problem?

Welp, some things should just come natural but they can be hard--like telling people to call BEFORE they come to your home..When you send your letter you should call her and tell her that from now on she is to call you BEFORE she comes to your home, if you wanna be nice you can say I am often not dressed for company or I wanna make sure the house is clean or something like that BUT I wouldnt i would just leave it at she best call first.

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts or Integrative Institue of Nutrition?

I am trying to make a decision on which school to attend. The first SWIHA has an Associates Degree in Holistic Health care and student loans are accepted. Integrative Institute of Nutrition you receive a certification in Holistic Nutrition also and only takes a financial aid available but the tuition is only $5,000 (which I don't exactly have at the moment). Anyone familiar with or heard of both that has an opinion.

Testicle out ball sack?

When I used masturbate with my legs wide apart my balls seem to slip out my sack but would soon pop back into place. Now I masturbate with my legs narrow together to avoid this. I really want to masturbate the older way again but I was wandering if this is dangerous to my body, like is there a chance I will loss my balls of they slip out the sack or will they always pop back into place?

Medical Careers Question (In Orthopedics?)?

Ortho nursing is almost entirely in the hospital taking care of post op patients, and won't do much for you as a trainer. You might want to look into becoming an ortho tech or an ortho PA-I think either of those is more what you have in mind, or even a physical therapist/trainer.

Why do i feel lifeless?

hey guys, over the past 6 months i've recently gone into these depression sprees where ill be extremely sad and to a point suicidal for no reason at all. Someones it is caused by seeing other people with girlfriends and friends while im at home and try not to make friends due to my last one attempting suicide atleast 10 times. I'll find myself just wanting to go to sleep for alot of the day and treating my family members as if they attack me, even though they did nothing. alot of this may be adding to this, the fact that i start college soon or the fact that my family attacks me for not having a job even though i cant find one. I feel its starting to get pretty dangerous now, i find my interests dying and dont know what to do half the time im awake. It scares me to ask my parents about this since i dont have a legitament excuse to be despressed. Its to the point where when i drive home from say the gym ill think about running the car off the round to kill myself, but the only thing that keeps me from doing it is the fear of going to hell since im relatively religious. PLease! i need help!

We have a brick built shed which has developed a white 'Talcum Powder' mold. Is this dangerous ?

It's just salts coming out of the brick material and is nothing to worry about. It's not dangerous. It'll disappear over time with weathering but if you want to speed this up just brush it off. Don't use acid or for that matter any liquids, all that will do is dissolve the salt particles and force them back into the pores of the brick, from which they will re-emerge as it dries off.

Are there jobs/fields for energy medicine and holistic health? i need some info..?

There is more of a place for holistic medicine in society today, especially when it's backed with science. The best way to practice this is to get a DO and then do your research in holistic medicine (get certified with ABHM) and set up a practice marketing yourself as such. In more liberal areas, when it's geared at educated successful intelligent people, you can do just fine. We have a local holistic doctor who works 4 day work weeks and has a 6-9 month waiting list.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reoccurring dream with a creepy old lady?

Spirits do come within our dreams to communicate, and or use pictures to tell a story, communicating something, you have to ascertain what it means to you since it's your dream these spirit that came to you. Perhaps the old lady is a ghost on the job site that's angry because you don't pay her no attention. And your Aunt came to help you to understand, and black stands for death......I do believe and see some type of meaning and communication in this dream. Think about it some, and the answer will eventually come to you.

I don't know what to do.. A levels or Hair and Beauty?

You could do your a levels and then take a gap year personally I'd stay in school and get my alevels done cos once you leave school its quite difficult to get back into it again

Please help me, my daughter is out of control!?

Please, please, please, somebody help me! My daughter, Kelly, is so out of control! She gets into fights in school, she curses, she sneaks out at night, she hits me, she does drugs, she goes out and has sex, i even found nude pics in her cell phone, i think she's sending them to other guys, please help me! she's only 13 and i'm really concerned. she calls me a *****, she tells me i'm the worst mother, she never tells me she loves me, she has sex with grown men, she goes out every night and sits on the street to wait for a guy to pick her up and go have sex, if i yell at her or try to tell her what to do, she hits me and slaps me in the face, please please please help me! i'm only trying to protect her, she even tried to run away once but i called the police and we used her cell phone number to track her, she was in a dangerous place! her friends are grown woman, most of them are between the ages 15-17. she parties every weekend, and she NEVER does chores like i ask her to do, she always tells me if i make her do anything, she'll kill me. she told me that once but never said it again. i really need help. i've tried everything, i tried to put locks on the door, i tried taking her cell phone, everything. nothing seems to work. she hits me and slaps me all the time! please tell me what i can do!

Cant log in to windows 7, password lost?

In windows 7 you can do a system restore that might bring it back to your old password. If not your only option is to put in the recovery cd if u have one it restores windows 7 back to factory settings.

Can I obtain Portuguese citizenship if my great-grandmother was a Portuguese Jew?

Hello, on my paternal side of the family my great-grandmother (mother of my fathers mother) was a Sephardic Jew (from Portugal.) However, my grandmother and my father (as well as his siblings) never obtained Portuguese citizenship. I know that the Spanish government offers a reduced time for someone to obtain citizenship if they are of Spanish Sephardic ancestry, however I was wondering if the Portuguese government offers anything similar? The main problem I think is that my great-grandmother and grandmother have deceased; my father and his siblings however are still alive. I can speak some Portuguese but nowhere near 100% fluency, I can however speak fluent Spanish, as my family is all from Nicaragua (where my the Portuguese Jewish grandmother emigrated to as well.) Would it be easier for me if I applied for Spanish citizenship instead? I am an American citizen and my desire is to obtain EU citizenship so I can move to Europe for cheaper graduate school. Thank you for your help, I understand if this is a little complicated.

What is a good brand of dog food?

Is there any proof that brands like Blue Buffalo or Inova are really any better for my dog? I want the best for him but I want him to like his food. I got him blue buffalo he reluctantly eats it but looks at me like i am retarded every time he takes a bite. After a month his skin and coat do look better and he doesn't fart as much but I can tell he hates the taste. Purina 1 is his favorite but propaganda has lead me to believe it is not good for him. (at least as advertised) So is there any merit to holistic natural dog food claims? If so what is a good brand?

Is this dangerous for my baby?

I am cleaning out my kitchen cupboards and have noticed there is some mouse droppings in it. I am 18 weeks pregnant. Is it harmful to the baby for me to keep cleaning it? I am wearing gloves while do it. Thank you for any serious answers you might have. I am very worried!

Why do people make fun and ridicule those that believe in something that isn't 100% proven?

I believe there a lots of people who feel threatened in some way by the kind of things you mention. They only feel secure when everything is kept just they way they have experienced it. Wouldn't it be nice if we could agree to disagree, politely. Why is it necessary to be rude? Let us consider different ideas and accept or reject them as we wish without feeling somehow defensive about the whole thing.

Holistic flea topical treatment or spray for cats?

I'm seeking a natural remedy to apply to my cat to keep off fleas. So far, in my research I've come upon websites only suggesting how to rid of fleas that are ALREADY infesting, and spraying the yard with a chemical isn't a change at all, it's still a chemical. Garlic is TOXIC for cats, so nobody recommend garlic as I've read some misinformed people telling cat owners to do so. My only other source is a good diet, as fleas only invade animals of poor health. I'm hesitant to believe this, however... parasites are parasites I do doubt they discriminate unless a cat owner of 20 years in holistic care can tell me otherwise.

What are the different kinds of pilot jobs?

I know where close to me I can get a private pilot license, but I would like to, if possible, make a living at being a pilot. I was not in the military (and I'm a little too old to do it now), so I'm wondering if there are other kinds of pilot jobs where you can make a living (I know private pilot license does not permit making money). I read somewhere that you can get "specialized pilot licenses," and that helps you get a job if you weren't in the military, BUT they didn't say what those "specialized" licenses are. (By the way, I'm not sure I have the - um - guts to do the cropduster thing - looks dangerous, at least in North by Northwest!) Also, are there many female pilots, does anyone know? Thanks!

Sleeping pills for long flights?

It depends on your doctor. Most sleeping pills are very strong medications and many doctors are reluctant to prescribe them to patients, some doctors will readily prescribe them. You might tell your doctor you have a extreme fear of flying, most anti-anxiety medications like Valium and Xanax also are prescribed for people with sleep disorders and will knock you out. Ambien and Stillnox are also prescribed for sleep with much less of a "hangover" effect the next day.

I think my anxiety is killing me?

I have had anxiety for my entire life. This anxiety has started as panic attacks at night due to my tormenting cousins - I thought I'd grow out of it. I am 25 years old and still terrified of the dark. When 9/11 happened I was in HS and lived 12 miles out of Manhattan. Planes terrify me and since then whenever I hear a plane over my house I panic to the point of getting in my car and driving away. I have no idea where I'd go. I don't want to get blown up. Since I have become an adult my anxiety has worsen. I harp over things I have said to people like you wouldn't believe. The other person probably doesn't even remember what I said and I can't get it out of my head. Also, I am so insecure about myself I constantly think my boyfriend is cheating or if he doesn't reply to my texts/calls right away something horrible has happened to him. Now I have started a new job as a teacher and I am already anxious at school. That either a student is going to murder me or that I am just going to be fired for saying something wrong. I've never actually contemplated suicide but I'd be lying if those thoughts haven't passed through my head. At completely random times too - I am very religious and know I would never deceive God by killing myself but those thoughts scare me so much. They make me feel like I don't deserve to live.I don't know what to do. I do not believe in taking medication to "heal" me. I already do yoga and meditation and that helps slightly. Any holistic forms of healing?

How to remind yourself that you can be hurt when feeling invincible?

first of just to clarify my psych currently thinks I am in a mixed state and i have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I'm currently feeling very invicible and impervious to harm while at the same time wanting to feel pain etc. as you can imagine this is very dangerous as I get moments where I want to walk out in front of cars or jump off buildings etc. how can I stop myself from doing this and reduce these urges? Thanks in advance.

Is it safe for a 15-year-old girl to walk around the streets alone?

I've recently started walking around my neighbourhood alone, because I don't have anyone else to walk with and I don't have a dog... I live in a really quiet area, but there are mostly families here, and there's a primary (elementary) school nearby. When I walk around, I don't see many other people, but when I do they're never alone... Most people have dogs or friends they're walking with. I see people looking at me all the time though. :/ Is it because they think it's dangerous for me to by myself? Is it worse because I don't have a phone and I don't listen to an ipod or something (because I don't have one)? I think people are more likely to leave you alone if you have an ipod.

I want to move to another country but where?

i live in Australia and where i live it's getting dangerous im interested in learning another language so i decided to move country, with my family of cause. So please help me where's the safest country to live.

My Extremist Friend !!?

Hi.My name is Prity.I met dis gurl during my tuitions.She was so Extremists and so opposite of me that instantly we became thick of the frnds.We did things that i( being a shy gurl and having shy frnds ) would never even thought of doing.We did all kinds of adventurous sports together. 1ce I was so startled by her histronics that I stared at her..and suddenly she came forward and kissed me.It was strange but I loved it. She even keep crushing my boobs and sucking them just as a fun activity.however wen I wer full covered clothes..she cribs.She is lyk if u keep hiding ur boobs and ur legs..guys wont fall for u..Its not dat she is a lesbian or a bi.Infact she was the one who broke the ice between me and my guy crush.But the way how she did it was totally shocking. She called both of us at our house..told us to close our eyes.she held the hand of my crush and kept it on my boobs ..we were both horrified..but then from dat day..he has been my bf ..But now I am almost like her.I keep changing my drugs..go on parties everyday and do all cool stuff i always wanted to do.I cant leave her as she has given me a new life.. but I also fear it would lead to something dangerous.Presently I am enjoying life..So wer do i go from here??

Need Catchy Mission Statement for Mobile beauty and holistic therapy business?

racking my brains trying to come up with a short and snappy Mission statement for my Mobile Beauty and Complementary/holistic therapy business. Some I have come across from other companies to give you an idea are "Make the best of you" and "feel amazing" I want to get something that is not just beauty orientated but has the "holistic" theme in it too!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! My brain is melted :-)

Know where I can purchase an authentic African tribal penile sheath?

I'm hosting a men's retreat this weekend at my holistic healing center on the slopes of Mt. Shasta in northern California this weekend and was wanting to find a traditional African tribal penile sheath. I called World Market but the girl there hung up on me. Please, I'm serious and the weekend is fast approaching. Help! This might be an EASY 10 points for the right man.

I recently found a mysterious coin...?

There is no value to this coin . It was attached to something-- probably keys-- and this man wanted to be sure he got them back if he lost them. The reward was for returning whatever was with that tag

What's this movie about magic called?

I recall watching a movie a few years back about a couple hiring a sort of a magician to contact the woman's recently deceased wealthy father. I remember the film being quite comedic in nature, with the hired magician serving as the comic relief. Also, the movie ends with the dead father taking over his daughter's husband's body, without the daughter suspecting anything.

How do we split an estate with a will?

There is a house, & fairly large tract of land. The father died, not leaving a will. The mother died, & did leave one. It leaves the house & her part of the prop. to one of the six siblings, two deceased. Is this legal? If so, can one of siblngs leave what he thinks is his to someone outside the immediate family?

Do I have psychic/ clairvoyant abilities or is there another name for it?

No one anywhere has ever demonstrated any psychic or clairvoyant ability in a test that ruled out coincidence or fraud. If you can, you'd be the first to do so. has details of a longstanding offer of a prize for such a demonstration. It's one million dollars.

Whats the name of this movie?

All i remember is that it took place in a weird desert place where there were trailers and these little boys were playing i think and i think they find a hole or one boy falls in one and its sandy and there's a skeleton and the boy is scared and his friends come and they laugh at him but something comes at him like bugs i think and they crawl in his skin go underneath his skin actually all the way up to his eyes in his veins and his eyes turn solid black. after that i think he attacks the boys or they just run. all i remember after that is that the government came built some things over the hole searched in it and the same thing happened to a couple of people with the bugs and the eyes and they became dangerous

Emancipation and pregnancy. ?

I'm currently 17 years old and I live on my own with my bf. He currently works and I get other income. I was wondering what are laws in the state of louisiana being pregnant and emancipation. My mom is deceased and my dad lives in Alaska. Also now me being pregnant, I can apply for insurance and see a doctor on my own. I'm really In need of job so that's why I ask.

Does anyone believe this could be a sign my cousin cares about me?

He could've just put the facebook app on his phone because he has a facebook and wants it for himself. And he's just looking out for you. You should appreciate that he cares about enough to even care what you're doing.

Is this an authentic hadith?

who died memorized the Quran. never be separated from the ablution, each time off, he returned to the sacred ablution, never leave the congregational prayer 5 times.

Saudi driving situation!?

I wil sign it. Being Muslim women I know there is nothing in the Quran that disallows women on being able to drive.

How to bury my dog? How deep must I dig?

She is only just dead this morning, I awoke to an awful stench. My deceased father use to bury our animals when they died and I did not want to go to the specific spot he did it as I did not want to hit the other ones but I remembered this flowerbed areahe had dug up many many years before and thought that would be a good area, no flowers in it anymore near a banana tree that is dead. I have my dog, a chihuahua in a sturdy box and I have dug a hole about two feet and this is where the earth got too hard for me to dig, I can't make much of a dent in it. It has been a long time since I last saw a hole dug for a dead animal but I think this is as deep as my father went before though I believe it is customary to dig three feet. Is two feet ok? her box is about 4 inches high.

Chiropractic/Acupuncture undergrad major options?

No point in doing biology if your going to throw it all out of the window to work in chiro and acupuncture. These have no basis in any science. You have to believe in magic subluxations, imaginary meridians and bogus cosmic healing energies to do this stuff.

Is this typical for a 20 year old?

everybody is different. right now its important that you focus on school anyways. your young and you may feel different 10 years from now. my sister is almost 40 and still never wants to get married. you don't have to and I rarely recommend doing so. its hard. so enjoy life and be how you want to be.

Have you seen this before?

Well no i haven't had any experience with this kinda thing because i'm only 15... But if i were you i would check his computer when he's not home. But if I were you and walked in on him and he was blocking the screen i would be like " Your in my house using my power blah blah blahhh i have the right to know what your doing." Or something along those line. Sorry if im not any help.

My cat cries out when it yawns or eats, what can be done?

I believe in holistic medicine. So any holistic remedies would be appreciated. I figure it's the teeth when he's crying out when eating, but then why would he cry out when yawning? Oh, and sometimes when moved when he's comfortable...

Associates Degree: Nurse vs. Physical Therapist Asst. in PA? (already a massage therapist)?

I intend on having my own business someday doing bodywork, which is what I love to do, but this job doesn't come with benefits and a stable salary. So I was thinking in getting a 2 year degree since I already have some gen ed credits, in either Nursing or PTA..but i can't decide! Both seem to offer starting salaries at 40-50K from my research online. I think massage therapy compliment both well, and I am interested in holistic nursing, but PTA seems a lot easier. Anyone in PA or elsewhere having any input? Anyone's advice is welcome here! Thanks for reading, :P

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to obtain licence for a home-made vehicle?

I've recently lost my job and I have no money to pay for gas.I am thinking about making a 'Kitten-Pulling Chariot' using my deceased grandmother's wheelchair and 30 stray kittens.Any suggestions? How to obtain a licence for my new vehicle?

I have been watching the Casey Anthony trial and the defense presented a medical examiner who did a second?

The defense team for Casey Anthony is now putting on there people to give their ideas on how they might have done things differently then the previous medical examiners,the FBI or CSI have done.That's all they are doing to make the jury look at different things that were done in a different way.

What will happen if you dump blue dye into an actively used water softner?

I wanna play a prank on my friend, He has a water softner that are right in his front yard, easily accessible its as easy as riding a bike. my question is when this dye (non toxic) is introduced to the water softners, is there any longer term or dangerous side effects? I dont wanna damage anything although it would be hilarious to see him comew to school in really blue skin and clothes. But yea its a prank and we pull them on eachother occassionally. I just want it to be memerable. So is the dangerous? Or Just going to be inconveniently funny?

Is there a law that states the maximum acceleration allowed for police officers in the state of California?

I was just wondering if there is an established maximum acceleration allowed by a California Highway Patrol Officer (or any other type of peace officer in the state of California) when in pursuit of an assailant. It seems funny to me that a CHP would just be readily allowed to reach exceedingly dangerous levels of acceleration (which to me is just as important as velocity) to reach a speeder. I know this isn't always the case, but sometimes it is, and I have to wonder if anyone is governing the police.

Can I use regular fishing line to catch crocs?

OK I know that there are probably special equiptment for croc-fishing but im on a tight budget, I have a whole shed full of fishing equiptment that has been left behind by my granfather and a couple of uncles and their fishing buddies,its old but seems to be in good condition and some of it looks realy heavy duty,I dont see a nead to go out and buy extra stuff when I have tons of it already,now dont go and tell me its dangerous because Iknow about that I intend to be very careful and safe and I know my limitations,and also I will say that I am not trying to break any records by catching 10 metre godxilla-size crocs the regular ones will be just fine,will it work if I use the right bate I think some of my gear is sutable for up to 140kg so if I put 5 lines twisted together it should be ok?

Can i just leave my G3 bold in warm water to clean it?

The bold from my Dangerous Power G3 need to be cleaned but i don't know how to. could i just drop it in warm water for a couple hours amd dry it off?

How can i find a bi/lesbian woman?

Im a19 yr old latina. ive dated many men and i love men! no doubt about it ! but ive always wanted to be with a girl just for fun. ive kissed a girl before but couldnt really take advantage of the moment since my friends were all freaked out when they saw and i didnt want to make then feel uncomfortable. anyways how can i talk to a girl and find out if they like women too.... ive tried dating sites but its kinda scary and i dont want to risk myself and enter a dangerous situation. how can i meet women in my area?

Should I start drinking Ensure Plus?

I'm trying to gain weight over the summer. I already know to eat the healthy foods (nuts, pasta, fruit, etc.) but I honestly don't think just that will work for me. Should I drink ensure plus, and if so how many do I drink to gain weight? I only want to gain around 12-15 pounds this summer. Is ensure plus dangerous to my health or anything? I don't want to die xD.

I just received a summons in the mail saying I'm being sued by Wells Fargo...?

Your husband is deceased and your name is not on the mortgage, therefore they have no claim against you. The property is most likely going through foreclosure and every possible person, spelling variations, and known aliases were named on the lawsuit. Your letter and the death certificate should be enough to get you released from the suit.

I had a dream about my deceased father?

I had a dream about my deceased father in the dream it was like he never was dead he was doing his routinely duties and I didnt even notice he was dead it felt so real I thought he was alive and I have these dream periodically what does it mean?

Who's your favorite retired superstar?

Edge, Chris Benoit, RVD, and Eddie Guerrero. Hey weren't they all friends as well as Rey Mysterio and Chavo?

Where can I learn holistic therapies? I live in wigan and would like part time courses and want to Start asap?

Check your local library. They should have a list of courses and if not, books. You can also try your job centre.

What does wattage do for an amp?

I read that wattage does not equal loudness, so what does wattage do for you? Also how loud can you put a high watt bass amp before it becomes dangerous for your hearing? Thanks!

Physician assistant vs chiropractic?

I know that these two fields do not correspond, as one is holistic vs medical science. I have gotten accepted into the DC program, but decided to only finish my Undergrad and NOT pursue my DC degree, telling myself that Modern medicine is the better way to go, people in this world want to get fast treatment, as patience is not a virtue much anymore. I have no problems against what chiropractors do at all, nor do I have problem with what MD's do, in my opinion, they both are in it for either the money produced and earned, or the idea of helping others feel better. I am a hybrid in this situation, I leaned away from DC B/c I do not like the business aspect, being extremely hard to succeed as a DC in this economy, thus running a business all at once and selling yourself constantly to pay back a $250K loan (IE miserable first 10 years). I felt as I wanted to still be in medicine, but making sure I had a secure position for the rest of my life, and not run in and out looking for patients to come by my practice. I would like some opinions, on whether chiropractic is the better way to go in today's world, or rather getting into modern medicine, in any particular sense or opinions you guys all have of it. which is really the better way to go, how can someone be successful in helping others, is it a mistake walking away from an already accepted program (DC) and possibly waiting few years to get accepted into school of medicine or PA programs, or is it actually a better choice to pursue medicine no matter how long it takes? any opinion will help...thanks.

What are your thoughts on Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural dog food.?

This is a very good brand.I have fed it to my finicky dog & she loves it!One of the first ones she tried was the Primitive Natural..You have to feed less than on most grain free dog foods but it's worth it.I have never had trouble with the company

Help my yorkie wont eat his food.?

So just adopted a yorkie puppy. He is about 7 months old. He was given Eukenuba Puppy food but he never ate it. Our maltese boy eats blue buffalo. He was eating that for a little while and now both have stopped eating the food altogether. We started to shop for new Holistic food and someone suggested wellness to us. We started to ween off the blue buffalo but neither one has eaten the food. We tried buying wet food to open up their appetites but still nothing. I am worried since my yorkie is a pup and very active. We do give him a high calorie nutritional supplement to prevent the hypoglycemia and he has training treats throughout the day. (He is in training) Is that enough??? I think its not. Also If anyone has any ideas or Healthy tasty food I can give them please let me know. We try to stay away from by-products, fillers, grains, and dyes because we don't want tear stains on either one of my little guys. Thanks for the help everyone....

My aussie has a bunch of fatty tumors?

Is there a holistic way to shrink them or have them disappear without having to have him get surgery. He's 11 now and i just don't want to put him through the stress. i've had them tested and they've all been benign so far.

If ghosts really do exist, would you expect them to be dangerous?

So many stories say that ghosts want to kill you or something, but if they really did exist wouldn't they be harmless and sorta just... Float there? Because I keep on going into my room and finding the light off in my closet and the door open. So I keep turning the light on and closing the door, but a few hours later I hear it creaking open. And it has just started to happen around a few days ago. I should just call ghost busters! Lol!

I m I a criminal if I stopped stealing ?

if you've repented, I don't believe so, and god wouldn't see you as one, in the governments eyes however, that's a different story

Do adults get afflicted with primary complex decease?

you mean primary complex disease not decease . the the child is more affected , primary complex the child usually has weak lungs ,

Stress issues… Help!?

A friend of mine has been suffering from stress for past few months now. She went through a family trauma and as if that wasn’t enough she caught her boy friend of 3 years cheating on her. Her friends and family have tried helping her but nothing seems to be working. She is just isolated to her room, refuses to go out and takes anti depressants all the time. I have heard that spa and some places provide holistic medicine or something of that sort that helps with depression and stress. Not sure though. Should I suggest a few sessions with them to help her relax? Any suggestions?

Nauseated from anesthesia, haven't eaten all day?

Nauseating from Anesthesia is very common, and as for not being able to eat, it won't harm you for one, even two days. However, if you can, you should probably take a multivitamin, just to maintain vitamin and mineral balance within your body.

Can too much drinking in a short period of time cause a rapid heart beat?

here's the deal i haven't been the same since my father died on january 12, 2011. Since then (and it's june 29th 2011 now) i haven't been able to stay sober for longer than 10 days at a time. I drank a lot in the span of 5 months. I also have a caffeine allergy so i don't know whether it's the drinking that's causing this or my caffeine consumption. I had this symptom for the last 2 weeks or so on and off with some minor chest pain. The last time i got palpatations it was the caffeine but i still get them on days when i don't have any caffeine. It's not like i can run to my doctor and say "hey i drink too much" i'd look stupid. I just hope i didn't really **** up my heart and it's not too late i'm only 18. I never did any drugs or smoked cigarettes and i don't have panic attacks or ainxiety. I did try 4 lokos a few times but i stopped drinking them since february and will never have them again TOO DANGEROUS. Any advice would be appreciated thanks